Tuesday, January 09, 2007

We made it....

Just wanted to write a quick note to let you know we made it to Thailand safely!! It was definitely a long trip, especially with Miss Zara.....I think she was very confused why we were on the plane for so long!! She didn't sleep very much during the trip so we were in constant entertainment mode, which got tiring, but thankfully our team helped us out a bit and gave her a change of scenery!
Overall, things went very smoothly.....except for one major mishap....we realized last night at 4am that we had left our computer on the plane!!! a few moments of panic but we called the airlines right away this morning and they had found it and had it waiting for us.....Thank you Lord....
Our team did great during our travel and customs and immigration all went very smoothly. We had an orientation today and now we're just trying to stay awake until we can let ourselves go to bed. The time difference here is 15 hours ahead of Seattle.....
It is warm and sunny and it felt really neat waking up in a place that is so familiar to Zach and I and to be able to have Zara with us. Pray for her if you think of it, I can tell she is confused and a bit insecure. We are doing our best to reassure her and give her what she needs as she gets adjusted.
Thank you for your prayers and we will update as we can!


Anonymous said...

Amen.. i have been thinking of you as a family in your preparations and travel. may God bless your time in thailand, and may you always look to Him for your strength and comfort.

i will continue to keep yous in my prayers!

Love Ruth x

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys got their safely. I can't believe you got your computer back, that's amazing. I'll be praying for you guys. Love ya.

Anonymous said...

I'm bummed we couldn't chat before you left, but so excited for you to be in Thailand again with sweet Zara. We are thinking and praying of you guys! And thank-goodness you found the computer!

Anonymous said...

you are in our prayers, sweet rupps...travel well!

Anonymous said...

we miss you ... glad to hear you are safe. kisses to zooks.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you made it. You've been in my thoughts (and now prayers!) I pray you (Amanda) find your place on the team and that you find balance and fullfillment in being mom, leader, and yourself!

It's been nice to have more down time but also still trying to come down without feeling "down". Weird, uh?

Keep us posteed!


Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about dear little Zara. Since Christian's just two months younger, I can only imagine what you guys are going through trying to help her adjust. I'm sure she'll get used to things. All she needs is lots of mommy and daddy reassurance and a few familiar things. I'm praying that she'll sleep well and that she'll stay safe in what I can only imagine would probably be an un-baby proofed environment. Glad to hear the computer was recovered. God is good!! Praying for you guys! - Judy C.

Anonymous said...

hey rupps. glad that you made it safely.
love you guys.